The main » Multi art panels

Multi art panels

New genre of painting - multi art panel was born not so long ago. Picture consist of several parts which, as a rule, are painting on 3D canvases. 3D means painting on the lateral faces too.Thus the volume effect of a picture is created, and it doesn't require a framework. For creation of extensionality effect I often use special textural pastes, moulding from them trunks and large branches of trees, small flowers or other elements of the image. A combination of brilliant paints on an opaque background create special magic illusion.

Also we pay much attention to observance of feng shui rules which provide our welfare, health and happiness. Positivity of pictures is one of the making power streams surrounding us.

If you have any other image, I will recreate it for you or will take as a basis and alter according to your desire.

The multi art panel doesn't apply for independent existence, it is urged to decorate and supplement an environment . It is laconic, but perfectly reflects fashion trends of interior design . It can be:


pictures of animals

still life

one flower


paintings of cities, cars, motorcycles, boats, seascapes, etc.

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fantasy, historical subjects

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Мечты о Японии        Русская
Золотая рыбка      Охота      Чингисхан
Венеция      Теория относительности

stylized portrait

human figures

The main New portrait of XXI century Order a picture